Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So today Danny's dad talked about the season of lent. For those of you that don't know, lent is a time before Easter where you give up something to create more time to follow God. Rather than focus on the giving up part of lent, Mr. Warner talked about who Jesus is and how He saved us. Our sin creates a chasm between us and God which stops us from reaching God. Jesus died and more importantly rose from the dead to bridge the chasm between us and God. Without Jesus we never can reach God; He is the only way, the only truth, and the only life. After we cross that gap it may feel as if we still don't seem to be with God, but that's the point of lent. It brings us a little closer to God. Lent is not what saves us and brings us over the gap we have between us and God; only Jesus can bridge that gap. Lent is just a way to spend more time with God and give Him more of ourselves for Him. We encourage you all to prayerfully consider if you want to give up something for Lent. We also encourage you to think of ten people that are not Christian. Use the time during lent to pray for them, and even consider asking them to go to church on Easter. Think about it.

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