Thursday, March 26, 2009

Worshiping God

Today we talked worshiping God. We must realized how great God is. Sometimes we get to caught up in ourselves we forget that God is there, all worthy of praise. Whatever we go through, whatever we see, whatever we feel knowing who He is we must worship Him and that is when we can let go of what's holding unto us. Think of how great He is...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Knowing God

Today we talked about knowing God through experiences. We discussed how Abraham learned that God is the God who provides through his obedience to God. Think about some experinces in your life where you might have learned more of God. Pray that God will reveal Himself more to you. Knowing God is what will quench our thirst.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Practical God

So today we talked about how God is practical. He's not just a God who gives commands and watches from afar, but He truly is a loving God who wants to lavish His best on us. He wants to be an integral part of your life not just the guy from the good book. Don't underestimate God's love for you.