Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Loving More than Just your Neighbor

Today, as a sort of follow up to last week's discussion on Loving God, we discussed the importance of loving your neighbor, and equally as importantly, your enemies. This naturally follows a discussion on Loving God, because one of the best ways to show our love for God is through loving our neighbors.
Naturally, we discussed the parable of the Good Samaritan- and how, regardless of what our gut reaction is towards someone in need, it is always right to help them. Of course, in modern days, we don't often encounter people lying on the side of the road, and so it becomes harder to find those enemies, or even just neighbors, in need of assistance.

So what is loving your enemy?

There's two important things we can take away from our discussion on that, at least. First of all, love is an action. It's not a feeling; it's something we should be able to do whether we find ourselves willing, or only doing it because we know it's what God wants us to do. Also, the best way of doing this, especially with someone you can't easily help day-to-day- is to pray for them. That always works, and often, it opens the door to restorations of friendship and healing of wounds.

Finally, we ended with a challenge- Do it! Try, with God's help, to live the life He wants you to, by loving even those who want to harm you, or don't care about you. That's the only way things can change. For better guidelines on what love is and how to love, read Romans 12:9-21. Memorize it too. It's always true.

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